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Selectmen minutes January 14, 2002
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, January 14, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Anthony Costello, Chairman; James F. Morey, Clerk; James M. Hardy
         Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
         Karen Grabau, Administrative Assistant
Mr. Costello announced that the interviews for Permanent Full time Police Officer would be held in Open Session but would not be televised this evening. Board will return to televised Open Session at end of interviews.

M/Morey, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2002 minutes.

M/Morey, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the appointment of Richard Friberg as a member of the East Bridgewater Arts Council for a three-year term from January 14, 2002 to June 30, 2005.

M/Morey, s/Hardy, for purpose of discussion, move to accept the proposal of Guertin Elkerton Associates, for the reconstruction of three intersections project #58021.00.

Mr. Botelho explained that Guertin has completed the plans for the project and submitted the 100% design, including wheelchair ramps to Mass Highway. Explained that there is a problem with rights of entry and easements, which have not been obtained. Guertin’s proposal is to assist the Town in getting the needed paperwork completed; this will add 1 ½% to cost of project. Recommended that the board approved entering into this contract.

Mr. Hardy noted that the Board had received a letter from Mass Highway and read the following letter:

        Re: Intersection improvements at two locations

The Massachusetts Highway Department is preparing documents to advertise this project. East Bridgewater is responsible for acquiring all necessary rights in private or public lands in order to implement this proposal. This project cannot be advertised until East Bridgewater obtains a secure Right of Way and this Bureau issues a “Right of Way Certificate” This bureau has made itself available to Mr. John Gormley your Director of Public Works, but to date we have not received the proper documents to move this project forward.

Since funding for reconstruction of municipal infrastructures is not always available, your accelerated efforts will ensure this allocation is used for its intended purpose.

We request that you continue to work with our Community Compliance Section on all Acquisition issues. This Department is requesting prompt completion of all right of way matters in order to continue this project.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at (617) 973-7925.

This Department looks forward to the advertising and successful completion of this community project.

Vincent L. Luca Sr., Operations Manager
Right of Way Bureau

Board of Selectmen                                -2-                                   January 14, 2002

Mr. Hardy stated that this letter triggered the letter from Guertin. Mr. Hardy then read one paragraph from the Guertin letter as follows:

“This project will require the authorization of approximately 6 Right-of-Entry documents (temporary easement) to allow the town, Mass Highway, and their respective agents to enter private property to carry out the proposed work. Typically, these documents are necessary for grading, loaming and seeding, driveway construction and modification, front walk reconstruction, retaining wall construction, etc. The rights associated with these documents expire upon completion of project.”

Mr. Hardy expressed his frustration that the Board is going to have to spend an additional $10,000 to do work, that was promised to be done months ago, in a tight fiscal year. Astounded that the Board is still dealing with someone not doing their job.

Mr. Costello stated that he echoed Mr. Hardy’s sentiments and was very disheartened by these latest developments.

Mr. Botelho explained the scope of work to be completed by the Town to ensure that the project goes forward and is completed.

Mr. Hardy noted that at a Board of Selectmen’s meeting last year, it was stated by Mr. Gormley that the easements were being taken care of and would be completed on time. Now Board finds out that there has been no response to Mass Highway; no request has been received to assist in getting easements and now at last minute the Board has to jump in and try to salvage the project. Mr. Hardy questioned where the Town would be in future, if we fail to complete our portion of work for these projects. Noted he was astounded that after a year we are still at same phase of work to be done.

Vote: Yes – Costello, Morey, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.


Maureen Quinn met with the Board relative to her application for a Common Victualer License.
Explained that she is opening a bakery at 25 Central Street. Has been doing cake decorating as a sideline; Eleanor Hennessey was referring customers to her, as she was retiring. Grand Opening planned for January 26 & 27; Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

M/Morey, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve a Common Victualer License for Maureen Quinn dba Piece A Cake, 25 Central Street; Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

1.      Town Hall closed – Monday, January 21 – Martin Luther King Day
2.      Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 22, canceled
3.      Retirement Party – Dr. Judith Riordan, Friday, January 25 – Board member to speak
Mr. Hardy will speak

Executive Secretary Report
1.      School Committee has requested an Executive Session with Selectmen – schedule for January 28 at 6:30 p.m.
2.      MMA Annual Meeting & Trade Show – attended, very worthwhile; attend several seminars – will give Board a complete report.
Board of Selectmen                              -3-                                January 14, 2002

Mr. Hardy noted that Board members had received an invitation from Shaw’s to attend their Grand Opening in Brockton. Felt that this was ironic given the fact that when they were closing the warehouse in E.B., they refused to meet with the Selectmen.

Mr. Costello noted how devastating the closing was to both the employees and town; felt this showed the blasé attitude of the company; lack of cooperation with community and Board.

Mr. Hardy reported that he had also attended the MMA Annual Meeting on Friday; found the workshops very interesting; many examples of how towns are pooling their resources; received some interesting materials. Also attended a meeting hosted by the Mansfield Selectmen regarding the S.E. Regional School; many towns feel there is a lack of oversight in representation for area. Questions regarding how election is handled; state law requires that all candidates are on ballots of all towns, not just where they reside. In two towns, the local candidate lost but carried the rest of the towns and therefore won the election, as election goes by total vote. Many feel that there is not enough accountability by officials; looking into changing from an elected committee members to committee members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Stated that each town was to research whether town meeting had approved the election process; E.B. did in 1997.

Mr. Morey reported that he has drafted a response to Jeff Luttazzi regarding his comments at a recent Selectmen’s Meeting, which were referred to the Sewerage Committee. Board approved Mr. Morey sending this letter to Mr. Luttazzi.

Mr. Costello announced that the board would now hold interviews for the position of Full Time Police Officer. Noted that at this time the meeting will continue in Open Session but will not be televised. At the conclusion of the interviews, the meeting will be back on camera for comments and Open Forum.

Camera was turned off at this time.

Present for interviews were James Cronin, Antonio Ferreira and Michael Jenkins. Mr. Costello explained that each candidate would be interviewed separately. Asked that all candidates stay until all interviews were completed; Sgt. Cowan would be speaking to the Board after interviews.

Interviews were held with Board members asking various questions of the candidates. Candidates were interviewed in the following order:
        James Cronin
        Antonio Ferreira
        Michael Jenkins

At conclusion of interviews, meeting was televised, all candidates were invited into meeting and Board invited Sgt. John Cowan to report on interviews held by Police Department Sergeants.

Sgt. Cowen read the following letter to the Board of Selectmen:

On January 9, 2002,three Permanent Intermittent Police Officers were interviewed at the East Bridgewater Police Station for the position of Permanent Patrolman. Sergeants Cowan, Brown and Flavell conducted the interviews, which lasted approximately 30 minutes each. The three Candidates that were interviewed are James Cronin at 6:00 p.m., Antonio M. Ferreira at 6:30 p.m. and Michael Jenkins at 7:00 p.m. Scoring in five areas were done on each candidate:

Board of Selectmen                              -4-                                January 14, 2002

1.      Recommendations from the Sergeants
2.      Education
3.      Interview Performance
4.      Community Involvement
5.      Law enforcement experience and training

Each candidate was given the opportunity to submit a resume of what they have done since becoming a Permanent Intermittent on the force. All three candidates were given the opportunity for opening and closing statements at their interviews.

The candidates were scored based on a top score of 75 points (25 points from each Sergeant).

The recommendation of the Sergeants for the position of Patrolman is as follows:

1.      Michael Jenkins
2.      Antonio M. Ferreira
3.      James Cronin

Permanent Intermittent Jenkins has 30 credits toward his Associates Degree in Law Enforcement and is continuing his education at Massasoit Community College. Michael has participated in the Neighborhood Watch Program for Community Policing. He has built and provided the police department with a web site that is up and running. This site has taken hours of work in which Michael has donated his time. In regards to his law enforcement experience and training, Michael has already completed the full-time officers academy and has worked for 16 months as a Patrolman in East Bridgewater. In 2001, he attended In-Service Training on his own time to keep up his certifications in firearms and medical responder. He is a member of REACT (Regional Electronic and Computer Crime Task Force) and attends the monthly meetings on his own time to represent the East Bridgewater Police Department.

The Sergeants feel that Michael Jenkins is the most qualified candidate for the position of Permanent Patrolman with the East Bridgewater Police Department.

John Cowan              Steven Brown            John Flavell

Mr. Costello announced that the Board would review the interviews and score candidates based on a marking system of 1-5. Board will then review their scores and vote the appointment on January 28. All candidates will be notified of the date and time of the meeting. It was noted that the Board’s meeting on January 22 has been canceled, as two members cannot be present.

Open Forum
Treasurer/Collector Frank Savino met with the Board to report on the auction of surplus equipment at the Highway Department. Informed the Board that 22 bids were received and that the items were sold for a total of $13,210.23.

Mr. Savino also reported that Ken Wright, Chairman of the Computer Study Committee would be resigning from that committee due to a change in work; also Anne Kaiser will be retiring from school in June. Noted that the Committee will be looking for new members to fill the vacancies.

Board of Selectmen                              -5-                                January 14, 2002

M/Morey, s/Hardy, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Costello, Morey, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen